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Nigel Beavon@ 12:15pm 06-11-2013
Loved looking at the old photos of the Hednesford Basin, I grew up in the area and remember many happy hours playing down the cut in the late 60's. Sadly it had been drained then and had a few derelict barges rotting in the basin, great for small boys to play in though. It has all now been filled in, grassed over and built upon and more of our heritage has been lost. Happy days !!
David Probett@ 10:09am 04-28-2013
Sorry to read in NB World about the break-in and major theft of tools.

Any plans for an Appeal for funds to help purchase replacements/better security?
James Debney@ 11:46am 04-17-2013
Just put a link for you on our website - Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society. Good luck with the work and with Huddlesford Heritage Gathering on September 21st and 22nd, which we will also be attending. Thank you for your invitation. James Debney.
Sadie Heritage@ 3:32pm 03-19-2013
I notice that the Huddlesford gathering this year is titled a 'Heritage Boat Gathering'. Well with a name like ours I had to book in both our boats!
I hope lots of other boats will also come along - we are doing our best to promote it.
Sadie Heritage secretary wrg boat club.
Barry Kenn@ 8:25pm 03-17-2013
Delighted to see the post from Ronnie Farr. I was a small boy when Mom & Dad kept a caravan in the grounds of the Lock keepers cottage at Calf Heath. If you read this Ron, I would love to hear from you again after all this time. Tel; 01922 683613 I have many happy memories of our time at Calf Heath.
Tony Mac@ 12:42pm 03-16-2013
hello all i have just picked up Ray Shills book, the wyrley and essington canal through time. it has some great images of the lichfield canal (past and present). the final section of the book focuses on the restoration. Captain Ahab has also visited the ogley to fosseway section on his site. it comes complete with images and his usual detailed and well written text. all the best.
Craig Humphries@ 3:40pm 02-20-2013
Hello there. I had a lovely walk yesterday from Whittington to Cappers Lane bridge, then onto the Darnford Lane site. The lift bridge is fantastic, a real potent symbol of what will hopefully be a viable waterway soon. Can I ask, is the canal channel from Darnford Lane to the lift bridge the original course of the W&E? I am a bit confused re the route here you see. Many thanks,Craig
Sue@ 10:00am 02-14-2013
For Craig - and everyone else who has commented on Lock 5 next to Barracks Lane - I am happy to reassure you. The lock is protected behind a new brick wall. The new owners of the property are aware of plans to restore the canal and at present have caused no damage to structures.
andy mytton@ 2:34am 02-13-2013
hi all , i have often log onto this site and southstaffsrail,just to let you know there are some great pics of the canal in the 1920's at SANDYFIELDS PUMPING STATION, on JOHN MOORES FLICKR PAGE,only just been recently added.
Replied on: 9:51am 02-14-2013

Thanks Andy. I'll pass that message on

Craig Humphries@ 4:47pm 02-06-2013
It appears that lock 5 at Barracks Lane has been largely destroyed in recent weeks ,I thought the canalbed was protectEd from such actions?
Best wishes
Replied on: 9:55am 02-14-2013

For Craig - and everyone else who has commented on Lock 5 next to Barracks Lane - I am happy to reassure you. The lock is protected behind a new brick wall. The new owners of the property are aware of plans to restore the canal and at present have caused no damage to structures.

Sue@ 10:35am 11-16-2012
The next Huddlesford Gathering will be on 21 and 22 September 2013. It's going to be better than ever. See you there.
Sue@ 11:02am 08-11-2012
Join us for a Tramps Supper on Thursday 6 September hosted by Eric & Doreen Wood at Whittington Wharf. Tickets £8 per person for sausages and mash and a pudding. Bring your own drinks. Contact Sue Williams 01543 671427 or email [email protected]
Tony Mac@ 11:46am 05-28-2012
Hi, while recently searching the internet for images of the lichfield canal i came across the South Staffordshire Railway site which has a couple of old photographs depicting the lichfield canal by the sandfields pumping station. The one photo is dated January 1924 and clearly shows the canal next to the railway line (looking towards ogley junction)........ all the best....
Paul L@ 6:23pm 05-06-2012

just to say I've spent the last, very enjoyable couple of hours on your website and it's absolutely fabulous to see the progress that is being made on the restoration. I'd love to help on one of your work parties, only I live in North Cheshire, which I know is just up the M6, but I don't drive!! I'm not sure what I could contribute, as I'm certainly no civil engineer/craftsman, but minor landscaping and vegetation clearance does sound like it could be the thing for me.
All the best for the future, and I hope I can get down to help soon.

Tony Mac@ 8:25am 03-05-2012
i would like to thank you for the information in regards to my query, it is very appreciated. best wishes for the future...

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